How do I embed the rVIEW map into my website?

Website Interaction with rVIEW

RippleNami’s rVIEW is a simplified, view-only version of the rWAVES map, designed to be embedded into your website page using a HTML iframe (inline frame) that doesn’t require any login for  your website visitors to access. Only calls originating from your registered web URLs will be allowed access to your map data.

In order to ensure your website visitors are presented with your map data, your organization must first register your intent to embed rVIEWRegistering is simple; just send an email to with the URLs of the web pages that will host the embedded map. RippleNami will enter these URLs into our Access Control List database so that rVIEW in your web pages presents a view of your data. 

Embedding rVIEW into a Web Page

Once you have registered the web page URL with RippleNami, you will be ready to insert rVIEW into the web page. Add the following code to your web page to insert rVIEW:

See the Pen rVIEW_Embed by RippleNami (@ripplenami) on CodePen.

Recommended Values for HEIGHT and WIDTH:


rVIEW takes into account support for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Nothing must be done on your side to enable it.

Intranet Support

Integrating rVIEW into a web page hosted on an organization’s intranet may require additional configuration to ensure rVIEW can successfully reach the RippleNami servers.

While network firewalls restrict most externally-initiated connections, outbound traffic is often unrestricted. But in the case where your firewalls restrict outbound connections, the following firewall exceptions must be created as follows:

  • Allow calls to, port 443
  • Allow calls to, port 443
  • Allow calls to, port 443
  • Allow calls to, port 443
  • Allow calls to, port 443
  • Allow calls to, port 443

rVIEW Security

The rVIEW web application runs within an Iframe (inline frame) of a customer’s web page. Iframes are the easiest and safest way to embed content from other sites into your page. Browsers keep the context of the iframe and its parent document totally separate by default. Neither the parent document nor the iframe document has access to each other’s DOM, CSS styles, JavaScript functions, cookies or local storage. By virtue of the fact that rVIEW runs within an Iframe, its execution is completely isolated from other applications that may also be running locally on the user’s workstation.

All communications between rVIEW and APIs hosted at RippleNami are encrypted using TLS1.2 encryption, further isolating all execution and communications from the local environment.  All encrypted content served through the iFrame is entirely controlled by RippleNami’s servers so you can be assured it is protected from man-in-the-middle attack (MITM).

For additional peace of mind, we have added an extra layer of security by applying a “sandbox” attribute to the iframe URL.  The sandbox attribute places an extra set of restrictions on the content in the iframe, providing a “least-privilege” security configuration. It is a mechanism that grants our embedded map the minimum level of capability necessary to do its job. The limited set of values that are allowed are as follows:

  • The setting “allow-scripts” allows our JavaScript single page application to run
  • The setting “allow-same-origin” is required to present the correct fonts and styling to match your web-page
  • The settings “allow-forms” and “allow-popups” are required for the Contact Us form and form submission so that users can report issues with mapped content.

The only requirement to successfully execute rVIEW in a local intranet is that the firewalls are configured to allow the encrypted outgoing calls to the RippleNami services.


Should you have any questions about rVIEW or how to embed the application into your website, please send an email to, we’re happy to help!

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